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Constructive Thinking - Personal Experiences

What has been your personal experience of working life during lockdown?

Like many businesses during the current time, lockdown has given us a lot to think about. About how we work as a company, about how we work as individuals and how we work with each other, whether internal teams, customers or suppliers. We’ve also spent a lot of time thinking about what the future of the construction industry might look like, from short and medium term recovery, to longer term prosperity.


All of which has prompted us to create Constructive Thinking: a new blog and vlog series in which we’ll ask select figures within the construction industry, from our own staff, to partners and associates throughout the supply chain, to give us their thoughts on a series of questions.

Today we’re asking... ‘What has been your personal experience of working life during lockdown?

Robert Blaikie, Scott Group

‘I’ve continued to work throughout the lockdown, although many of my colleagues have been furloughed. The change to working from home has meant an increase in calls using video conference platforms such as Zoom - and it’s proved to be really effective.

So much so that I think that many companies like ourselves, will look to extend the usage of this meeting format into the future - and not just for internal meetings, but external client and customer meetings too.

That said, working from home isn’t without its challenges! Like most people I suspect, I’ve had to be quite disciplined in separating work from time with the family.’

Adrian Shelley, Henshaws Roof and Build

Certainly, trading is very challenging. It’s the hardest thing that I’ve had to deal with in almost 30 years in this industry. Like lots of people, we initially closed, which was very difficult at first. 

We went through the Public Health England guidelines - how could we trade, how could we keep going. It’s very worrying running a business and looking after your own family.’

Christine Leadbeater, Sales Manager, Keymer and Heritage

'All of the Keymer Heritage team have been furloughed except for me - and it’s actually been a bit tricky. Usually, we would all work very closely as a team. We all have different strengths and all do different roles, so having them not here to work with, and as a support, has actually been really hard. 

From a positive point of view, I’ve found that I’m building better relationships with those who are still at work. Most of these people I knew as names on an email.’

Paul Hodgkinson, Director of Business Development

‘I work from home a few days a week anyway, so it wasn’t a massive adjustment for me in terms of making that a full-time arrangement. 

Like most people, you soon get into the groove of it - and I certainly haven’t missed being stuck in traffic!

Kevin Severn, Brick Tile Company

The Brick Tile Company is only 12 months old as a brand, so although I’m still working, I’ve had to furlough our first two two members of staff. 

Our Marketing Director and Customer Service Manager have unfortunately been temporarily furloughed under the government support scheme.’

Rob Robinson, EH Smith

‘I personally have not been furloughed. I have a team of 12 people, and of those 12 people four were furloughed at first.

However, all four have since been brought back to work and we are now fully operational.’

Stay in truck image for safe working in Covid-19.

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If you require any further information, we have created a Covid-19 Resource Centre where you will find all of our latest news relating to the pandemic and how we are responding as a business. 


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