New dimensions of performance, colour, and texture with Corium brick tile cladding
New dimensions of performance, colour, and texture with Corium brick tile cladding
Corium is a versatile, fully certified, and the original brick cladding system with design potential that goes beyond the traditional look of brickwork to create truly unique projects. As a BBA certified brick tile cladding system that opens up new dimensions for your project, Corium blends the beauty of brick with a cutting-edge rail-system innovation.
The facades of the future require versatility of design, efficiency of installation, as well as full certification and quality assurance to drive true architectural freedom. Our extensive range of colours and textures enables true aesthetic choice for your project. Traditional or contemporary, eclectic, or uniform, there’s a colour or blend to suit.
Feeling inspired by the creative potential that can be achieved using Corium? Complete the form below to ask a question, enquire about CPDs or request a call back from a member of our team to discuss your requirements.
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