The Dutch town of Zevenbergen has a long history as a port town, but in recent decades the canal was filled in and neglected. The town centre declined with it, but recent years have seen the canal reopened and the port area redesigned. The aim of the project was to revitalise the Old Town area and make it a lively leisure destination.
Clay pavers were the natural choice to breathe new life into the town centre, and to create an authentic connection between the present and the past. The market square was paved in a herringbone pattern with Auraton and Bruno pavers which were used to create red and white diagonal strips across the square and along its edges.
Further red and white strips were created to lead people to the port, where paved landings guide them further on into the marina. On the other side of the canal, single-colour paving areas are used to differentiate between pedestrian and vehicle lanes – an elegant, intuitive landscaping solution. Overall, more than 1.5 million clay pavers were laid to create Zevenbergen’s new market and harbour quays area which today is a popular, vibrant place for people to spend time.