Discover integrated wildlife boxes, including bat and bird boxes, from wienerberger Habibat

Discover integrated wildlife boxes, including bat and bird boxes, from wienerberger Habibat
wienerberger Habibat integrated wildlife boxes provide durable and discrete habitats for British birds, bats and other species, increasing the biodiversity value of your project and complementing eco-friendly house designs.
We have partnered with Habibat to provide a comprehensive range of wildlife products, produced in the UK to standard brick sizing for ease of installation. Our wildlife boxes can be faced in any brick type, regardless of manufacturer, stone finish or suitable for render.
Learn more about Habibat boxes from wienerberger:
The population of native bat species across the UK is significantly declining, due to fewer roosting sites within buildings and the loss of suitable feeding habitats across farmland and woodland. Integrating a bat box into your construction project can provide a roosting site for bats, boosting the biodiversity and ecological credentials of your build. Installing wienerberger Habibat bat boxes may also reduce delays during planning application, minimising overall delays to the build programme.
The wienerberger Habibat range of integrated bat boxes are solid boxes made of insulating concrete that provide an internal roost space, ready to be integrated into the fabric of a building as it is built or renovated. Suitable for most species commonly found in the UK, the single chambered unit features an integrated V system to increase the surface for bats to roost against, while allowing freedom of movement.
Bat access tiles are specifically designed to provide the right kind of space to protect bats from the elements in their new habitat. This is done by offering a simple way to give bats access through small gaps. Modified access roof tiles are also available as a more aesthetically pleasing and subtle option.
wienerberger Habibat bird boxes are designed to seamlessly integrate into the façade of the building and fitted during the build stage of a new build project or fitted retrospectively to existing buildings. They can be an attractive feature for your building as well as providing the best possible artificial accommodation for a variety of different birds.
Constructed using insulating concrete block providing an internal nesting/roost space, they feature access holes of different sizes depending on the type of bird the bird box is for. Our wildlife boxes can be faced in any brick type, regardless of manufacturer, stone finish or suitable for render. We can provide bird boxes for the following species, plus bespoke bird boxes to order:
We also offer access tiles specifically designed for birds such as swifts.
wienerberger Habibat solitary bee bricks are produced to UK brick size format and therefore can be easily installed in place of a standard brick. The range of hole sizes provides different species of solitary bee much needed nesting space.
The cavities in our solitary bee bricks are 75mm deep which reduces the risk of predation and also ensures bees and their larvae are contained entirely within the specifically designed brick. Solitary bees lay their eggs in these cavities before sealing the entrance with mud and chewed-up vegetation. The offspring then emerge in spring and the cycle repeats.
wienerberger Habibat solitary bee bricks are produced using a specific insulating concrete block which is free from toxins and can be faced in any brick or stone to fit discreetly in with the brick or stone finish on the building. Alternatively, contrasting colours can be used to highlight the bricks.
Our solitary bee bricks should be situated on a warm elevation typically south-facing wall. They should be located at least 1 metre above the ground, and no higher than 5 metres, with no vegetation obstructing the holes.
We highly recommend planting bee-friendly plants, such as Hellebore, Aubretia, Foxgloves, Lavender, Buddleia and Honeysuckle, nearby so that the bees using the bricks have a food local source.
Habibat Solitary Bee Brick
wienerberger Habibat Bumble Bee Boxes are produced to UK brick size format which eases installation. The hole size allows access to bumble bees and helps reduce the risk of predation. Over 97% of a bee's natural habitat has been lost over the past 60 years so it is vital we help address this.
Our bumble bee boxes provide a weatherproof, dry, dark space for the colony to live in and ensures bees and their larvae are contained entirely within the specifically designed box. Bumble bees prefer to nest in undisturbed areas and do not like prolonged exposure to the sun as this can heat up the nest too much so our bee boxes should be situated with this in mind and at least 1.5 metres above the ground.
Bee boxes should be installed in the same way as standard masonry, the entrance holes do not travel through the entire brick meaning there is no disruption to the cavity wall. No cleaning is required of these boxes as the bumble bees will clean the boxes out themselves. Wienerberger Habibat bee boxes are produced using a specific insulating concrete block which is free from toxins and can be faced in any brick or stone to fit discreetly in with the brick or stone finish on the building. Alternatively, contrasting colours can be used to highlight the bricks.
Habibat Bumble Bee Box
wienerberger Habibat Bug Bricks are produced to UK brick size format and therefore can be easily installed in place of a standard brick. The range of hole sizes provides different species of bugs a much-needed nesting space.
Bug and minibeast provide an important food source for other animals like birds and bats which are essential to pollinating our flowers and crops and are useful workers when it comes to decomposition and giving us nutrient rich soil.
Our bug bricks are perfect as they are full of dark nooks and crannies which insects love to explore especially lacewings and ladybirds. Cleaning of the bug bricks is recommended in late spring after the adults have emerged. This will increase the number of years the brick will be used for and reduce the risk of parasites. A suggested tool to help clean the brick is something like a pipe cleaner or small paint brush used to loosen and pull out the remaining nesting material.
Bug Bricks
Hedgehog numbers in the UK have been in decline for over two decades and in 2020 became classified as vulnerable to extinction. Building developments on natural habitats and changes to farming practices have seriously impacted the number of hedgehogs in the UK, along with pesticides killing the hedgehog’s natural diet of slugs, insects and worms.
Installing a hedgehog house/box in the garden provides them with a safe place to shelter and hibernate through the winter. Whether this is to support biodiversity net gain on a new project or simply within your garden we can supply a quality, long-lasting hedgehog house.
Our hedgehog houses are made using 19mm exterior quality plywood, from an FSC sustainable source. This ensures our boxes are durable and weatherproof. We designed the Hedgehog house in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice and this incorporates an interior baffle system to prevent predators from accessing the house. Our hedgehog boxes have a removable lid should you wish to clean out the box once hibernation has finished and we recommend using them along hedgehog highways such as gaps under fences.
The hedgehog box should be placed in a quiet, shady, sheltered, dry place with plenty of protection vegetation around. Avoid having the entrance point north, north easterly to prevent cold winds entering the house.
Habibat Hedgehog Box
Want to build a home for wildlife into your next project? Contact us and we’ll help you find the right wildlife box solution for your site and project.