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In the Spotlight: Lydia Robinson on architectural vision and sustainability

In the realm of architecture, where structure meets creativity, Lydia Robinson of Design Studio Architects stands out as a visionary leader. In a candid discussion, we unravel the inspirations, challenges, and aspirations shaping her approach to contemporary architecture. 

Here’s an insightful look into our conversation with Lydia.

Q: Could you tell us a bit about yourself and your role at Design Studio Architects?

A: I am Lydia Robinson, the Director and Creative Director at Design Studio Architects. My role encompasses guiding our projects from conceptualization through to the planning stages, ensuring that each design not only meets but exceeds our clients’ expectations.

Q: What sparked your interest in becoming an architect?

A: Growing up with a father who was a civil engineer and a grandfather as an architect, my fascination with buildings and structures was almost inherent. This familial background laid the foundation for my passion in architecture.

Q: What types of projects do you often find yourself working on?

A: Our portfolio is quite diverse, ranging from residential homes in the Israeli style to heritage restoration projects, and even lifestyle spaces such as gyms and restaurants. Each project presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities.

Q: How has the architecture industry evolved during your career?

A: The industry has become significantly more dynamic and collaborative. With advancements in construction techniques, the architect's role has expanded from designer to facilitator, enabling innovative solutions to come to life.

Q: Can you share some challenges you face when working on historic buildings?

A: Historic buildings require a delicate balance between preserving their essence and updating them for modern use. Challenges include sourcing appropriate materials, employing the right construction techniques, and the financial implications of such decisions.

Q: What are your thoughts on the future of architecture?

A: I believe the future will increasingly focus on repurposing and retrofitting existing buildings. This approach not only conserves resources but also adapts spaces for new uses, embodying both sustainability and flexibility.

Q: How important is sustainability in your work?

A: Sustainability is paramount. It influences every decision, from design to material selection, ensuring that our projects contribute positively to their environment and adhere to standards like the Future Homes Standard.

Q: When specifying materials for a project, what factors do you consider?

A: Beyond meeting a client's brief, I prioritize the quality, longevity, and sustainability of materials. While cost is a consideration, it’s the value that these materials bring to a project that truly matters.

Q: Could you provide an example of a project you recently worked on?

A: One notable project was a tiled pavilion in the Cotswolds, where we used bespoke tiles to echo the local stone slate. Another was an extension to a Georgian farmhouse, selecting bricks that harmonized with the Cotswold stone walls, beautifully blending the old with the new.

Lydia Robinson's insight into the architectural process reveals not only a commitment to excellence but a forward-thinking approach to sustainability and adaptation. Her work exemplifies how architects today are not just building for the present but visioning for the future.

Vineyard House Case Study

Learn more about Lydia's work on the beautiful extension of a Georgian Farmhouse.


Corner of the new buff extension of a farmhouse property

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