Engineering bricks

Discover our range of red and blue engineering bricks

Engineering bricks are traditionally used in civil engineering and are most suitable for applications where strength and resistance to frost attack and water are important. Examples of situations where engineering bricks are used include groundworks, manholes, sewers, retaining walls and damp-proof courses.

We offer Class A and Class B engineering bricks, in either red or blue. Class A engineering bricks have a compressive strength greater than 125N/mm² and water absorption less than 4.5%. Class B engineering bricks have a compressive strength greater than 75N/mm² and water absorption less than 7% (please see the table below for further information). All our engineering bricks comply with the requirements shown in the National Annex to BS EN 771-1.

Please note that perforation patterns may vary; these images are for reference only.


Class B

Class A

Compressive Strength



Water Absorption




Red or Blue



Class A:

  • Compressive Strength:  ≥125N/mm²
  • Water Absorption: ≥4.5%
  • Colour: Blue

Class B:

  • Compressive Strength:  ≥75N/mm²
  • Water Absorption: ≥7%
  • Colour: Red or Blue

Due to their usage in applications where strength and resistance are important, engineering bricks do not have a guaranteed appearance. The appearance of engineering bricks can vary from pack to pack and batch to batch.

If you require the technical properties of an engineering brick, but also require the reassurance of consistency in appearance that a facing brick can offer, explore our facing brick range instead.

Bridge over road with green hill and tree

Want to order engineering bricks for your project?

Contact us and our team will be in touch to answer your questions.


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