In-roof solar panels on residential roof
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Inverters and batteries for your solar system

When it comes to harnessing the power of solar energy, it takes more than just high-quality panels to create a truly efficient and reliable system. That’s why we are pleased to introduce our inverters and batteries, to provide you with a complete integrated solution.

We offer a range of both grid-tied and hybrid inverters to cater to a wide range of project sizes and requirements. Whether you need a grid-tied or hybrid solution, we have the perfect inverter for you. From small residential installations to medium-sized commercial projects, all the way up to large-scale industrial applications, our inverter options ensure optimum performance and seamless integration with your solar system.

If you’re looking to take your solar system to the next level, our selection of batteries are here to provide you with enhanced energy management capabilities. By  incorporating batteries into your setup (available in 3,6,9 and 12kW) you can store excess energy generated during the day and use it during peak demand or when the sun isn’t shining. With our range of batteries, you have the flexibility to choose the solution that aligns perfectly with your energy needs.

Solar inverter illustration

What is an inverter?

An inverter is one of the most important pieces of equipment in a solar energy system.

It’s a device that converts Direct Current (DC) electricity, which is what a solar panel generates, to  Alternating Current (AC) electricity, that can be used to power household appliances and feed into the electrical grid.

Solar battery

What is a battery?

A solar battery is a solar power system that stores the excess electricity generated by solar panels.

You can use that stored energy to power your home at times when your solar panels don’t generate enough electricity, including nights, cloudy days, and during power outages or even when the energy demand is high by taking advantage of cheaper rates provided by your battery.

The system options available

Grid-tied System

A grid-tied system does not include battery storage. Extra electricity is purchased from the grid.

Diagram of grid-tied solar energy system

Hybrid System

A hybrid system includes battery storage for storing excess energy, but you can still purchase extra energy from the grid if needed, particularly taking advantage of off peak times when energy prices are at their lowest.

Diagram of hybrid solar system


Solax grid-tied inverters

(No battery storage)

Small systems

Available in 1.1kW, 1.5kW, 2.0kW, 2.5kW

Remote Upgrade and Control

IP66 Rated

Medium systems

Available in: 3.0kW, 3.6kW, 4.2kW, 5.0kW, 6.0kW

Remote Upgrade and Control

LCD Touch Display

Online Monitoring

Large systems

Available in: 8.0kW

Remote Upgrade and Maintenance

LCD Touch Display

Support EV Charger (Fast Charging Mode)

Solax hybrid inverters

(Battery storage)

Small systems

Available in 3.0kW, 3.7kW

Remote Upgrade and Control

IP66 Rated

Medium systems

Available in: 5.0kW, 6.0kW

Remote Upgrade and Control

LCD Touch Display

Online Monitoring

Large systems

Available in: 7.5kW

Remote Upgrade and Maintenance

LCD Touch Display

Support EV Charger (Fast Charging Mode)

Why choose a battery?

Solar Icons

Store both electricity generated from your solar system and supplied directly from the grid.

Solar Icons

Take advantage of cheaper rates with a battery system. It is cheaper to use stored energy than exporting it to the grid and buying it back at higher prices.

Solar Icons

You can purchase and store energy at a cheaper price (usually at night) and use it for the rest of the day or whenever suits your lifestyle.

Solar Icons

Help to meet Part L legislation and envisaged Future Homes Standards 2025 by reducing household carbon emissions.

Solar battery

Unlock the full potential of your solar system

Uncertain about the specific products that would best suit your solar system?

Our design team is here to alleviate the stress out of roof specification. We understand that selecting the right components can be overwhelming. Let us collaborate with you to:

  • Select the right system for you.
  • Enhance the efficiency of your solar system, minimizing technical complications.
  • Simplify the installation proccess by allowing our experts to specify the most compatible products for your solar system.
In-roof solar array

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