Man walking past Sidlaw House

Our Partners

Collaborating with our customers, peers and supply chain partners for improved social and environmental outcomes.

Why is this important?

By working with like-minded partners, we will discover, test and implement solutions faster and more effectively than acting alone. 

Our ambition for 2030

We will have curated a network of trusted partners to tackle the global crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and resource scarcity as well as addressing inequalities, with a focus on homelessness.

Making this happen

  • We will continue to amplify social impact though ethical supply chain decisions and social procurement.
  • We will work with our customers to generate better outcomes for communities.
  • We will collaborate with a wide network of partners involved in tackling homelessness. 

Can you help us make our vision a reality?

If you, or your organisation feel you could help us to make this happen please get in touch.



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